Overseas Business

Our overseas operations are tapping into global markets in a variety of areas. Factory operations and warehouse management in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, enable efficient production and logistics, while the development of a large eco-city and business center in Fergana Province promotes sustainable urbanization. The construction of residential apartments in “Gangnam Village” and plans to develop a resort and golf course are setting new standards in the residential and leisure industries. Our mining and export business focuses on securing resources and expanding our global network, which forms the core of our international growth strategy.

We undertake residential and commercial real estate development projects overseas. It focuses on sustainability and innovative design, and contributes to local economic development.

We operate resorts that offer comfortable, luxurious accommodations and a variety of leisure activities in beautiful natural settings.

We operate resorts that offer comfortable, luxurious accommodations and a variety of leisure activities in beautiful natural settings.

With our domestic manufacturing capabilities and global network, we conduct export business across a wide range of industries.

  • Established Hub & Insense Overseas Investment Corporation in 2019
  • Established Dream Build Team Overseas Investment Corporation in 2021

Tashkent Oblast :
1) Purchase of a landmark apartment in Uzbekistan
2) Constructed a 4-story factory with 1200 square meters on a land of about 1500 square meters
Fergana Province :
1) Attracting resorts and golf courses
2) Construction of residential apartments centered on Dream Build Team
3) Construction of a business center and industrial park in an eco-city
Navoi Province :
1) Mining business: Ore and mineral import business, including gold mining

South Korean company plans to build golf course in Fergana

Regional Governor Khairullo Bozorov received representatives of the Korean company “Dream Build Team” Park Yong Sik and Yu Lee Bok of Incense Korea.

At the meeting, investment projects planned by the “Dream Build Team” company in return for Korean direct investment in the Fergana region were discussed, including the construction of a golf course on the territory of the Cuban District. Prospects for cooperation in tourism and other fields were discussed in detail, and the progress of the project to establish the ‘Korean Manufacturing Industrial Park’ in the industrial zone was the main item on the agenda.

Корея компанияси Фарғонада гольф майдони барпо этишни режалаштирмоқда

Вилоят ҳокими Хайрулло Бозоров Кореянинг “Dream Build Team” компанияси раҳбари Пак Ёнг Шик ҳамда “Incense Korea” компанияси раҳбари Ю Ли Бокни қабул қилди.

Учрашувда Фарғона вилоятида тўғридан тўғри Корея сармоялари ҳисобига амалга ошириш режалаштирилаётган инвестицион лойиҳалар, шу жумладан, “Dream Build Team” компанияси томонидан режалаштирилаётган Қува тумани ҳудудида гольф майдони барпо этиш лойиҳаси, шунингдек, туризм ва бошқа соҳаларда ҳамкорлик истиқболлари атрофлича муҳокама қилинди, Экошаҳар мажмуасининг тегишли кичик саноат зонаси ҳудудида “Корейс ишлаб чиқарувчилари саноат парки” ташкил этиш бўйича ишларнинг бориши ҳам учрашув асосий кун тартибидан ўрин олди.

Videos on Overseas Activities


Establishment of Hub & Insense Overseas Investment Corporation in 2019

Other export and import countries:
Export and import business to various countries in the world, including China, the United States, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, etc.